In Focus with Wedding Filmmaker Davey Hibler 

The memories of your wedding day will be with you for the rest of your life. Today's couples are tapping into videographers to capture these special moments and in our opinion, Tahoe Unveiled vendor Davey Hibler is the best in the business! Davey is a Tahoe local who has a gift of capturing the most amazing moments of your wedding, making it feel like you are reliving the day over and over again in his videography. We are lucky enough to call Davey a member of the Tahoe Unveiled family. We sat down with him to learn a little bit more about his creative side, his perfect day in Tahoe, and some sweet facts about the pets in his life!

What brings you the greatest joy in your life?

My family. My parents and sister are all local and I'm married to an amazing woman and together I am able to enjoy my life.

What brought you to Tahoe?

My family moved from Southern California when I was really young so I have had the pleasure of growing up here.

Tahoe lifestyle: winter or summer?

Winter! I mean, Tahoe is absolutely amazing year-round but there is just something a little extra special during the winter.

If you weren't a wedding videographer, what would you do?

This is really tough because I truly love my "job" and it really is my passion. If I had to choose another career I maybe would have been a pilot. It's something that has always fascinated me and that is probably why I fell so in love with drone photography and videography.

What inspires your work?

Music is what mostly inspires my work. There are so many times that I hear a song and can just picture the video that should go with it.

How would you describe the perfect day in Lake Tahoe?

The perfect day in Tahoe would require waking up for sunrise (in the middle of winter of course) and heading out with a few of my friends to catch the fog rolling off of the lake. Fog is always kind of a mystery. There have to be perfect conditions to make a good layer of fog and I often find myself chasing that.

What are you most proud of?

I think I'm the proudest of my wife Meg and the business that we have created together. She was on a completely different career path when I met her and it has been amazing to watch her fall in love with photography and include her in my business. I can now really say it isn't even my business anymore. We book the majority of our weddings together and that makes me extremely proud to call her mine!

Who inspires you the most?

I don't think one person really inspires me the most. I think I have learned the most by truly seeking out the opinions and styles of a very diverse group of creatives and learning from all of them has inspired me to be who I am today.

What is your life motto?

Oh boy, I am not much of a motto guy but one thing my wife and I like to say and live by is "Be Intentional"

What was the most recent thing that made you laugh?

We have a cat named Murphy and she's a weird cat honestly, but she's so cute. Every night she brings in a gardening glove that she stole from one of our neighbor's yards (sorry neighbor) and each morning I take it outside and throw it somewhere in the yard. But, every single night she brings it inside, up the stairs, and into our bedroom all while meowing the weirdest loudest meow that she only does when she has the glove. Still cracks me up every time.

Working in the wedding industry is not for the faint of heart. How do you rest and rejuvenate?

I think for me I am blessed to have a partner that also works in the industry and she really pushes me to listen to my body and put myself first. She makes me take days off and plans fun trips for us to keep my creativity going.

What is something people might not know about you?

This one is pretty hard actually. I'm a pretty simple guy. As long as I have my family and a camera or two or six I am pretty happy. I'd like to say there is some random cool thing but there really isn't haha.

Pets: Any four-legged friends in your home?

Oh yes. We have four actually, I'll go down the lineup.

Murphy: She's the weird orange cat we call her a lion

Minnie: She's a cute tiny little fluff ball of a cat and she never leaves me alone. We call her Minnie Mouse.

Bubby aka Ralph: He's a pug and he snores louder than anyone I've ever heard. We call him a pig.

Moose: He is a cockapoo and he's honestly the most adorable dog in the world. He's a bit of a wimp so we are currently working on toughening him up a bit. We obviously call him a moose.

So we have a Lion, a mouse, a pig, and a moose!

We hope you enjoyed getting to know Davey as much as we did! Check out his vendor profile on Tahoe Unveiled and then head over to his Instagram for more of his incredible work!


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