There is no Better Place for a Bachelorette Party Than Lake Tahoe in Summer

Lake Tahoe is the perfect destination for any bachelorette party in any season but we will let you in on a secret: summer is our favorite.

Here are a few of our favorite things about having your bachelorette in Lake Tahoe.

The lake (duh). Contrary to popular belief the lake does warm up in the summer! July, August and September can see lake temperatures of 70 degrees and air temperatures in the 90s...literally the perfect combination for a lake day. If you're a sporty group, there are plenty of places around the lake to rent kayaks, paddle-boards, boats and even hire a driver for some water activities! If your group is not wanting to be as active, or you just want to relax, consider a champagne cruise or just post up at a pier with some floaties and your day is sorted! There are a ton of public piers and beaches around the lake but our locals tip is to get there early. Especially if you have a big group it's best to snag the spot you want before they get too crowded!

The drinking. There are so many great places to day drink around the lake. If you're a bachelorette party looking to be wild and social, there are many options. Our personal favorite is Chambers Landing on the west shore, accessible both by boat and car, Chambers is unique for having a bar literally on the pier. A few of their famous Chambers punches is a sure way to get your bachelorette party in the mood for a fun day. Other great lakefront bars include: Sunnyside, The West Shore Café, Garwoods and the Beacon. Not in for a bar hop? Grab some Rosé and head down to the beach to make your own lakefront bar!

Local events: Tahoe in the summer puts on some killer events. From music in the park, to farmers markets and weekend festivals, there are some awesome activities that all your ladies will love. Take a look ahead of time to see what's happening when you're here and take advantage of them! The and are great websites to help you get information on happening events!

Scenery: The Lake is stunning but so is the surrounding area! Whether it's a scenic drive or a hike up in the mountains, get out and enjoy the beauty of Lake Tahoe! In June and July there is an abundance of wildflowers that can be seen best up in Paige Meadows and hiking up Shirley Canyon in Squaw. July is hot so a hike near water such as Eagle Lake or along the Truckee River is a good idea so you can stop for a swim. Consider bringing a picnic lunch and making a day of it!

We could go on and on about how great Tahoe is in the summer, but why don't you come up and see for yourself! We promise you won't be disappointed!


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