Find Out What Makes Floral Designers Twine & Dandy Bloom

Jill and Andi of Twine and Dandy exude joy and happiness AND make the dreamiest bouquets! Their work has a certain flair to it that brides flock to with a whimsical and wild side to it. We were lucky enough to get to know Jill and Andi a little better and found out what they love about their job, how they recharge, and what kind of music are they listening to while creating floral masterpieces.

What brings you the greatest joy in your life?

Andi: Traveling, experiencing, and learning about different cultures.

Jill: Love. My children. Music and dancing. Seeing other people happy.

What brought you to Tahoe?

Jill: I was born and raised here! I moved away for college and then decided quickly that there is no place like home.

Andi: It was time for me to get away from city life and settle down.

Tahoe lifestyle: winter or summer?

Andi & Jill: We love the warm weather and it's our time to shine in the Summer. It's a time when our business flourishes and we are so grateful and thankful for that season. Even though we don't get much free time, we make sure to have a lot of fun. We blast our music and bop around the studio while designing. Therefore, we really enjoy the slow season with loved ones, hot and steamy beverages, and the snow!

If you weren't a wedding floral designer, what would you do?

We would be boring AF! Ha-ha! We can't picture what we would actually do. Jill would probably be a lawyer and Andi would most likely be a botanist/flower farmer.

What inspires your work?

The joy and happiness it brings to others.

How would you describe the perfect day in Lake Tahoe?

The perfect day in Lake Tahoe would include lots of adventure. Depending on what activities you like to do, the options are quite endless and there's not much you can't do. You definitely should chase the sun with either a sunrise or sunset mission. Finish the day with a local restaurant and go see a show or concert, or simply enjoy some local music with a view.

What are you most proud of?

We have many personal accomplishments we are proud of. Work-wise we are proud of having a successful business doing what we love, as well as making someone's day that much more beautiful!

Who inspires you the most?

Probably each other! Don't get us wrong, we have many inspirations. But we Yin and Yang all day baby! We are so opposite, but exactly the same when it counts, and we keep each other in check. We inspire each other in life as well as designing and we feel truly blessed to have each other.

What is your life motto?

Our life motto is to live whimsically, love extravagantly, dream boldly, create daily, and, most importantly, have fun while doing it. We all tend to get caught up in the stress of life and it's important to remember you only live once. Lower your expectations and appreciate the little things in life. However, we do believe bigger is always better! At least when it comes to bouquets!

What was the most recent thing that made you laugh?

To be honest, answering these questions.

Working in the wedding industry is not for the faint of heart. How do you rest and rejuvenate?

It's so true! Andi has the luxury of living and sharing life with a therapist. So, she's well taken care of! And Jill, well, she drinks wine. Lots of wine with lots of adventure.

What is something people might not know about you?

Something most might not know about us is that we listen to gangster rap regularly. Got to stay motivated somehow.

Pets: Any four-legged friends in your home?

Andi has a dog and a cat. Jill has no four-legged animals because she has two crazy two-legged boys and trust us, that's enough. Together we have quite the zoo.

Twine and Dandy is a full-service florist based in South Lake Tahoe. They are currently booking for 2020 and you can find out more information about them on their Tahoe Unveiled vendor profile and be sure to follow them on Instagram for your daily dose of floral inspiration.


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