Capturing Love With Vild Photography

Incredible backdrops, radiant love, and a sweet duo behind the lens are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to incredible work from 

Vild Photography

. Marie-Louise and Robert are the soon to be husband and wife team that makes up the uber-talented

Vild Photography

. Capturing raw, authentic love is their gift, and their work shows just that. Keep reading to learn more about what keeps these two going, what inspires them, and just what they do when they aren't capturing wedding day magic.

What brings you the greatest joy in your life?

There is nothing better than being outside and enjoying nature.

What brought you to Tahoe?

Robert's family has lived in Tahoe since the '60s! He moved around during his childhood, but Tahoe was always home to him. For me (Marie-Louise), I came to Tahoe because of Rob, and I could not be happier with that decision! We love the proximity to everything and the variety of scenery we have around us.

Tahoe lifestyle: winter or summer?

That's a hard one!  All of the seasons are gorgeous, and that's what we love about Tahoe. We hike and bike in the summer and ski in the winter. Honestly, I think Fall is our absolute favorite season. It slows the town down, hiking and biking are at their best, the temperatures drop, the colors start to change, and the excitement that winter is almost here kicks in.

If you weren't a wedding photographer, what would you do?

Robert would most likely have pursued a career in music or taken over his parent's ski shop. I would most likely have aimed for a career within hospitality or tourism.

What is your pre-wedding routine?

Each wedding is always a little different, but it always includes coffee, breakfast, and a solid checklist, that we go over three times! We always pack our gear the night before and put it in a spot that we would trip over before leaving. This way we can't forget anything! We also print a cheat-sheet with timelines and some personal notes, and we always wear our watches so that we can put our phones away.

What inspires your work?

Tahoe and our couples. We try not to be to "artsy" but instead stay timeless and true to who they are and the moments they experience together - because that's always changing - we never get bored.

How would you describe the perfect day in Lake Tahoe?

Our day would start by waking up at our summer cabin next to the river. Making a pancake breakfast and enjoy the outdoors by eating outside. We would spend the day on a hike and swimming and then head back to the cabin to make dinner and watch a movie with a nice glass of wine.  

What are you most proud of?

Our journey. Just like any relationship, it takes a lot of work to make everything come together, and we are so proud that we have been able to build our lives together in this gorgeous place we call home. We are grateful every day that we get to do what we do.

Who inspires you the most?

Rob's parents. Obviously, they are his parents, so they play a big roll in our lives, but we look up to them for so many more reasons than that. They have built a successful business from scratch and are now living the ultimate Tahoe lifestyle. They live life to the fullest and have reached a balance between work and pleasure that is admirable and something that inspires us every day.

What is your life motto?

"Things always happen for a reason," and "What you give is what you get."

What was the most recent thing that made you laugh?

We were making fun of our silly cats.

Working in the wedding industry is not for the faint of heart. How do you rest and rejuvenate?

Oh, we're pretty good at this! Depending on the season, we have plenty of lazy days where we binge-watch Netflix and barely leave the house. In the summer, we'll go camping and disconnect from the world for a day or two. Hiking, biking, and skiing are also activities that make us relax but at the same time fill us with gratitude and energy.

What is something people might not know about you?

Rob hates to do laundry and will do any other house chore besides that. M is known for "jumping the gun" and may buy clothes or plane tickets before really thinking it through.

Pets: Any four-legged friends in your home?

Yes! Our two cats; Rascal and Tattoo. They make our lives SO much sweeter, and we love them so much. They are both little stinkers and have SO much character. It's fascinating to watch them do their thing. We've also said it for a long time now, but hopefully, we'll add a puppy soon! 

Vild Photography

is a Tahoe based wedding photographer. You can learn more about them on their

vendor profile

on Tahoe Unveiled. Be sure to check out their


for more of their gorgeous work as well! 


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