Women in Business: Meghan Ruiz Ceremonies

A wise woman once said, "Every woman's success should be an inspiration to another. We're strongest when we cheer each other on." That woman is none other than Serena Williams. And we have to agree that when women support women, magical things happen. That's why we decided to highlight a few of our local rockstars and give them the credit they deserve. Not only are they moms, go-getters, and pillars of strength in the community, but they are absolutely crushing it in the wedding industry. And no one embodies this more than the all-rounder,

Meghan Ruiz

, from

Meghan Ruiz Ceremonies

. She is a wedding officiant and a well-known face in Truckee, California, for those of you who don't know her. She's all about honoring the unique love stories of each of her clients through a personalized ceremony experience. In addition to that, she can also add "yoga teacher" and "mom to three boys" to her resume. Apart from her work ethic, clients have described Meghan as having a vibe, a calm presence, the kind of person you wish you were friends with, and someone who's hip but doesn't even know it. And all these things ring true! So how does she do it all? Well, let's grab a cup of coffee and find out!  

Why did you decide to become an entrepreneur? 

Right out of college, at my first job as an office manager at an electrical engineering company, I knew that I wanted to work for myself instead of someone else. That company was woman-owned and run in a predominantly male industry, so she was an inspiration!

What challenges did you face along the way, and how did you overcome them?

It can be challenging carving out the time to sit down at work when you make your own hours. I am also a wife and mother, so making that time can be extra challenging. Also, it was tough during the pandemic when everyone was home all the time! I'll be honest, I still struggle with it, but I've found that time won't make itself; you have to put the effort in to find the balance of work, family, and fun!

How do you differentiate yourself in this challenging industry?

I might not be the best fit for everyone, and I'm okay with that! I want people to choose me for me. I do not aim to fit a mold. I tell my couples that the beauty of what I do and us working together is to create a unique experience for them as a couple. I apply that to myself as well.

What or who has been the most significant influence in your business and why?

Meredith Richmond

. She has been an incredible mentor and inspiration!

Do you listen to podcasts or read motivational books, and if so, which ones do you recommend?

I really enjoy listening to true crime podcasts on my runs, as well as "Terrible, Thanks For Asking." In addition, I love the book "Self Coaching 101: Use Your Mind, Don't Let It Use You" by Brooke Castillo. Otherwise, you'll usually catch me reading historical fiction.

What advice would you give to women who are interested in starting their own business?

Stay focused. If you're having a hard time, set a timer for 15 minutes and just put your head down and work. Take brain breaks when you need them. Find a mentor or someone you can bounce ideas off, hold you accountable, and cheer you on!

To find out more about what Meghan Ruiz brings to the table, visit her vendor profile 


Also, stay tuned for more entrepreneurial journeys coming your way over the next few weeks!


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