What to Include on Your Wedding Invitations 

Wedding invitations are your first chance to set the tone of your wedding and set a great first impression for your guests. They are the first detail of your wedding your guests see and usually spend months up on the fridge for all to see so here are a few tips and suggestions for you keep in mind!

What you should put on your invitation:

Location: You really want to make this part as clear as possible to save both you and your guests the hassle of people not knowing where to go. Make sure you specify the city, state and venue location so your guests can start making travel arrangement and accommodation plans when they receive your invite.

Date and time of your wedding: This is also important for guests who may be traveling to get to your wedding on time. With a destination like Lake Tahoe it is important to note that the closest airport is Reno which is about an hour away (give or take depending on where your wedding venue is) so make sure guests plan accordingly.

Wedding website: Wedding websites are a great place to put all detailed information that won't fit on the invitation. This information can include your registry, accommodation suggestions and a detailed timeline for the weekend including all other wedding activities.

What you should put on the reply card and envelope:

Space to check yes or no: This will only make your life easier to have a definitive yes or no from your guests for things like seating charts and a final headcount. Also make sure to note if they have a date or a plus one.

Food selection: If you are having a plated dinner be sure to include the options so guests can order their preferred dinner choice and be sure to leave a space for guests to write any dietary restrictions or allergies they may have.

Envelope: Be sure to include a stamped, addressed envelope of where you want the reply card sent to to make it as easy as possible for your guests to get their information back to you.


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