Ways to Include Your Dog in Your Tahoe Wedding Ceremony

Let's face it, this is Lake Tahoe and dog is king. A common joke amongst the locals is the outnumbering of people by dogs. It will come as no surprise then, that many couples want to include their beloved dog in their ceremony. While only you know your pup best and where he or she would shine, if you're at a loss as to how to incorporate him or her, here are some ideas.

Dress your little guy in a tuxedo and have him stand at the altar with the groom. Etsy is a great resource to find special pint-sized or larger-sized doggy tuxedos, and if you're going custom you can match it to the wedding party's fabric and color. If she's not into the tuxedo, flower crowns and collars could be custom made for the big day or consider a fluffy tutu to match the fabric of your gown.

Show off the back of your gown while holding your pooch facing the camera behind. You've worked hard to tone up, what better way to casually show it?

Bestow the honor of flower girl or ring bearer on your dog (slip the real rings with someone else) while attaching a GoPro on the back of your pup to capture footage from a completely alternative angle.

If your venue doesn't allow your furry best friend to be present, include him in your engagement photos or the photos taken while you get ready for the big day. If you have an especially well-trained pet, a well-timed photo of your ring on his nose could be the perfect way to capture the ring.

Pets are like family, having your pup present can elevate your mood even more on your happy day.

A few tips if you're including your pup:

1. Designate someone to watch your pet through the day so that you can be stress-free.

2. Bring a stain remover pen that works with the fabric of your gown.

3. Keep your pup on a leash before photos; Tahoe is a (muddy & wet) dog's playground!

4. Check that your venue allows pets prior to planning.


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