Taming the Inner Beast: Bridezilla
While Godzilla may be a distant memory to most, Bridezilla is not a figure of the past. With the best of intentions, it still may be difficult for a bride to step away and de-fume. Like most brides, the bridezilla wants to thoroughly enjoy her day, so much so that she is clinging on to each small detail of the planning process and scrutinizing everything without relinquishing any control. The crushing expectation of perfection she is feeling is surely altering her judgment and creating an inability to relax.
There are ways to combat the inner beast without compromising your hand in planning. Keep your wrath at bay and inner peace forefront by enacting some techniques and tips.
Calming Bridezilla
Use your bridal party. These are your best friends, they've seen your ups and downs, are familiar with your taste, and have your best interests at heart. Delegate some responsibilities and ask for help.
Another way to save some serious time and stress: give clear guidelines to your bridesmaids and let them shop their own shoes and dresses in a set color theme or brand. For instance, if you want wedge shoes in a metallic color, tell your crew something along the lines of: metallic gold, silver, or bronze, wedge heel between .5-3" heel, open or closed toe ok, strappy or slide on ok. Same goes for the dress. Clear guidelines will help. If there's something you're not ok with, such as a backless dress, communicate this effectively. Asking for approval firsthand will not eliminate the stress you set out to decrease by delegating responsibilities. Trust your friends.
Calming Bridezilla
You know yourself. Remember your coping mechanisms! If you fend for yourself better in stressful situations by exercising, prioritize your favorite weekly workouts. Make it a priority to hit your number one yoga teacher's weekly class instead of spending that time planning. Just like we all need vacations from our careers in life, taking a step back will help you approach planning anew with a fresh, calm perspective.
Calming Bridezilla
Hire a planner. Seriously. Day-of, month-of, full or partial. Anything you can do. This will truly create the seamless event you're striving for. Think about how valuable your time is, if you're dedicating 100 hours to planning, that's 100 hours of your life that likely a planner could have effectively wrapped up in a fraction of the time, without any of the stress on you. Find a planner you want to have a glass of wine with, someone that understands your style, and trust!
Calming Bridezilla
This is one of your happiest moments in life and you truly deserve to enjoy it at your best. Be your beautiful, adventurous, boisterous, loving self and remember to savor each moment.