Rice, Confetti, Birdseed and More! What to Throw on Your Wedding Sendoff

As the tradition goes, many weddings end with the ceremonious tossing of rice at the newlyweds, but why rice? And where did this tradition come from? The custom began with the ancient Romans, it was meant to symbolize rain, which is said to be a sign of prosperity, fertility and good fortune. All great things to start your marriage on.

This popular wedding tradition went out of style when a rumor started going around that birds stomachs would explode if they ate the rice. There was even a bill introduced in Connecticut in 1985 to ban rice throwing. However we are here to tell you that rumor is false and bird's stomachs will not explode if they ingest rice. That being said, there are many other rice alternatives if you want to toss something different on your sendoff. Furthermore, different cultures have different customs and throw different things. For example in Italy they throw candy and sugared nuts and in Morocco they throw raisins.

A wedding sendoff is not only a great way to wrap up the night, but a sendoff with your family and closest friends is a great way to start your new life as a married couple. If you aren't sold on the throwing of the rice consider other rice alternatives. Some of our favorites include; confetti, dried flowers, eucalyptus leaves, birdseed, bubbles and glitter. Another added bonus of this fun tradition is it makes for excellent photos, not only of you and your partner being doused in confetti (or whatever you choose to have thrown at you), but of your family and loved ones sending you off into your new life as a couple. As far as wedding traditions go this is one we can still get behind and absolutely recommend including in your big day!


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