Life Is a (Luxurious) Picnic With Posh Picnic!

Looking for a unique date night idea, surprise proposal, or bachelorette party? Look no further than Posh Picnic! Their superpower is to customize any event to fit your needs and turn any beach trip into an Instagram-worthy outing. All you have to do is show up and enjoy! Scroll down to get to know Lori, the driving force behind Posh Picnic, as we touch on life in Tahoe, overusing emojis and, of course, picnics.

What brings you the most joy in life?

Watching my dogs swim at the lake while the sun is setting and while sipping a nice glass of wine. Watching my dogs swim and play reminds me to let loose a little more and try and be a bit more carefree. My older dog comes to life when she is at the lake. I love soaking in her happiness and watching her play like a puppy again!

What brought you to Tahoe?

Growing up, Tahoe was always a second home. My parents took my siblings and me multiple times a year. Every summer, we would come up with my cousins and stay together at my uncle's home on the lake in Tahoe City. Some of my most cherished memories are those family vacations. In 2017, my husband and I started spending summers in Lake Tahoe since we were both able to work remotely. At the end of every summer, we both would be so sad to leave. After our second summer in Tahoe, we decided to make Lake Tahoe our permanent home. We went back to the Bay Area and began making arrangements to move to Lake Tahoe full time the following Spring!

What is a must-see hidden gem in Lake Tahoe?

Angora Lakes. I love the charm and seclusion that Angora Lakes has to offer and that you can enjoy with the whole family. My family and I love to pack lunches and get up to the parking lot early. Then, we usually rent a paddleboat and cruise around the little lake.

Describe Lake Tahoe to someone that has never been here.

This is hard. Heaven on earth...? Crystal clear waters, great trails, fresh mountain air.

Tahoe lifestyle: winter or summer?

100% Summer. Being a California girl, I have always been partial to warm weather and beach days. In the Bay Area, I had many friends who had only visited Tahoe in the winter to ski or snowboard. I always told them that summers in Tahoe are magic because they truly are.

If you weren't designing Posh Picnics for guests around Lake Tahoe, what would you do?

I would love to work in Public Relations for a local nonprofit. Being involved in my community is important to me. I try to link my passion for my business and helping others by donating picnics to fundraisers for local nonprofits.

What inspires your work?

I love making people happy, and I love planning events. I love the joy I bring clients with my picnics. Bringing people together to celebrate love, life, friendship, and other milestones is what life is all about.

What is a fun fact about your company?

My sister runs Posh Picnic Silicon Valley. It allows us to share and create together and serve our clients who live in the Bay Area but come and visit Tahoe frequently.

What is your go-to conversation starter with a potential client?

I usually ask them to tell me about what they are celebrating with their picnic. That way, I can get a feel for who else will be enjoying the picnic with them, what details will be most for the event, and how involved they want to be in the planning process.

What are you most proud of?

Going back to college in my thirties to complete my degree. I had a lot of regret about dropping out of school when I was 20 to pursue a job offer. Completing my degree was always in the back of my mind, but I never felt that I had enough time to do it. When I moved to Tahoe full time, the stars aligned, and I decided to go back to school to finally finish. It was very challenging after taking so many years off, but finishing was one of the proudest moments of my life!

Who inspires you the most?

I really admire Hayley Paige. She is so creative, positive, and determined. This past year she has been through so much, and she continues to shine her light in the world.

What is your life motto?

"It's never too late to be what you might have been."

What was your go-to activity during quarantine?

Zoom hangouts with friends and family

What kind of wedding guest are you?

Definitely the dancer.

Any song you can add to our brides' and grooms' budding wedding playlist?

There is a song by the National Parks Band called "You are Gold" that I think would be so beautiful for a bride to walk down the aisle to!

Working in the wedding industry is not for the faint of heart. So how do you rest and rejuvenate?

I love unwinding with a glass of wine and a lavender bubble bath after a big event.

What is the career highlight you are most proud of?

I am still a very green company- not even a year old- but I feel like there have already been so many highlights. For example, I recently did a picnic at a private residence on the lake in Tahoe City that was the same house that I grew up vacationing at as a kid. It was a very "full circle" moment for me.

What was the most recent thing that made you laugh?

Playing board games with friends who came into town to visit. After a year of being fairly anti-social during the pandemic, it was so much fun to drink wine, play games, and laugh with good friends.

What is the closest thing to real magic?

A Tahoe sunset when the clouds light up. This is why I try and encourage my clients to do picnics at sunset, especially during the summer when the beaches are packed during the day. Our sunset picnics offer a little more privacy and tranquility. When the sun sets behind the mountain, the real magic happens in Tahoe.

What is something people might not know about you?

I am really bad about overusing emojis. I am such a social person and love sharing emotions with others. Even though it is becoming outdated, I love talking on the phone and connecting with others in person. Sometimes I worry that tone or messages can be misinterpreted via texting, so I think emojis are a perfect solution! (insert laughing face emoji).

Any four-legged friends in your home?

My dogs are my life. My husband and I have three golden retrievers. Our girl, Stella, is nine years old and she was our flower girl at our wedding. This past October, we went to pick up a little brother for Stella and came home with two brothers instead. Our house is chaotic but full of so much love and playfulness. I think Lake Tahoe is the perfect place to have dogs- between swimming in the lake and so many hiking trails; there are tons of outdoor activities to do with a four-legged friend!

To see more of Posh Picnic's gorgeous work, we suggest you check them out on our Vendor Guide!


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