Life Beyond The Lens With Hit Maker Films

From Memphis to San Francisco, Kyle Henry of Hit Maker Films has truly made his mark on wedding industry with stunning films that capture every sweet emotion of a wedding day. Between wedding videography, shooting commercial projects with stars like Kevin Hart and Steph Curry, international travel and #vanlife with his wife and new baby, Kyle is a pretty busy guy. But luckily he made time to share with us what he loves about Tahoe, what he is most proud of, and what inspires his work.

What brings you the greatest joy in your life?

Family, travel, and filmmaking: These three things bring me extreme joy. I've been married to my partner for five years, and we've been together for 11. She's my rock, and I love her dearly. We had a little girl, Avalynn Rose, this past July, and her smile and giggles warm my heart. So far, I've visited 34 countries and still have so many more on my list. Lastly, I discovered filmmaking at the age of 14, and 16 years later, my love has only grown fonder.

Tahoe lifestyle: winter or summer?

Is it cheating if I say both? Tahoe in the winter is magical, and we love to snowboard, although the scenery and vibe in the summer is just as much fun. We love snowboarding in the winter and camping in our Sprinter van in the summer.

If you weren't a wedding videographer, what would you do?

If I weren't a wedding videographer, I'd probably be in advertising. I'm a creative through and through, so I always need to be creating and developing an idea.

What is your pre-wedding routine?

My pre-wedding routine consists of the following: First things first, I make a vanilla oat latte (I'm a sucker for coffee). Then I save the timeline off-line since we film in a lot of remote locations. Next, we review our client's package, so it's fresh in our mind. Then we prep our gear by cleaning all of our lenses and charging batteries, and lastly, I get a good night's rest.

What inspires your work?

Successful people inspire me the most. Seeing someone achieve their goals motivates me to push harder and go for mine as well.

How would you describe the perfect day in Lake Tahoe?

For me, the perfect day in Tahoe includes getting there with no traffic! The first stop of the day would be for coffee and then off to hit the slopes. We would end our day by eating at one of our favorite restaurants and cozying up next to the fire in our cabin once we got home.

What are you most proud of?

I'm am the proudest of the fact that I get to do what I love for a living. I do not take this for granted, and I'm thankful every day for this job.

What is your life motto?

My life's motto is simple: why waste a minute being sad or mad when you can be happy?

What was the most recent thing that made you laugh?

The most recent thing that made me laugh was my adorable daughter. She's only seven months, but full of personality.

Working in the wedding industry is not for the faint of heart. How do you rest and rejuvenate?

As I get older, I realize self-care is critical. After wedding weekends, I usually schedule a massage. On Sundays, I typically try to do NOTHING. It's truly blissful.

What is something people might not know about you?

It's embarrassing, but I'm not too fond of bugs. More like I'm a scaredy-cat when it comes to them.

Pets: Any four-legged friends in your home?

Yes! Our Terrier is a loving part of the family, and his name is Adobo. My wife is Filipina, so she named him after the dish since he has brown and black coated fur.

Thanks, Kyle for sharing more about yourself with us! Our readers can learn more about the talented team at Hit Maker Films and see more of their work on their Tahoe Unveiled vendor profile.


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