Lake Tahoe Wedding Welcome Bag Tips and Ideas 

Chances are you won't be able to greet all of your guests upon their arrival to the lake, so a wedding welcome bag is a great way to say "Hey, we are glad you are here!" Wedding welcome bags are becoming increasingly popular especially in destination weddings and Lake Tahoe for most people is a destination wedding location. Here are a few tips and ideas we suggest you consider when preparing guest gift bags in the Lake Tahoe area.

Elevation: Tahoe is a lot higher than other parts of the state and the country. When people come up here (especially older people) they can experience altitude sickness. Consider adding water to your bag to make sure people stay hydrated.

Sun: Because we are at a higher elevation the sun can be more intense. Think about adding some sort of sun protection such as a hat, sunglasses or sunscreen into your bag to help your guests be skin safe.

Bears: Lake Tahoe is an area of wilderness and forests and we really do have bears here. Think of how you are going to deliver bags to guests (see next point) because leaving bags outside in the summer with a sweet treats is a sure way to invite all the bears to your house.

Delivery: Depending on where you are getting married in the Lake Tahoe area, there are many places for your guests to stay. Whether it is a hotel, Air bnb or a friend's cabin your guests could be staying upwards of 30 to 40 minutes away from each other. Think of how you are going to get the gift bags to each guest or consider bringing them to the rehearsal dinner or pre wedding events. If you are considering leaving the welcome bags at hotels make sure you check with the front desk of the hotels first.

Map: Because Lake Tahoe is a bigger area, consider including a map of the surrounding area. You can include important areas for the wedding, such as where the ceremony is located and where the reception is, but also include your favorite spots to go on the map such as your favorite beach, or favorite breakfast spot. This not only gives out of town guests a lay of the land but it will give them ideas of where to go and what to do. It is also a good idea to include a link to your wedding website so guests have access to all information about the weekend.

Hangover relief: The classic staple of any guest gift bag. Relief for the morning after your wedding. Advil, Alka-Seltzer and Emergen-C (even Bloody Mary mix helps) to help your guests for any morning-after ailments that might keep them from enjoying the rest of the wedding festivities. Your friends and family will thank you--trust us

A personal touch: This is your opportunity to add something fun or personal to your bag or something that is important to you or you as a couple. It could be anything from a horoscope for the weekend, your favorite family recipe, or something from the Tahoe area that means something to you as a couple.


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