How to Incorporate Dogs into Your Big Day

Here in Lake Tahoe there is almost nothing we love more than dogs. So to incorporate your furry friend into your wedding is really a no brainer. Like all things when it comes to your wedding day, you want things to go as planned and be as smooth as possible. Incorporating a dog has its risks but we are here to give you the insider tips to make sure incorporating your dog is nothing but fun and stress free!

1. Set yourself up for success

  • No one knows your dog the way you do, so no one can predict how they will behave in this situation better than you. All dogs are different. Some are mellow and can sit comfortably at their owner's feet during the ceremony. And some need more attention or can't sit still in a new environment. Know your dog's personality and set yourself up for success by keeping that in mind when you make plans to include them.

2. Have a designated dog handler

  • The last thing you are going to want to do is to add more to your plate on your wedding. You don't want to be worrying about where your dog is or what he or she needs, you want to focus on your moment! Having someone (not in the wedding party) being in charge of the dog will be a huge help! Extra tip: this is a great way to include another friend or family member who wants to be involved in your wedding. It is also great to enlist the help of any kids who are attending your wedding to help play with the dog and tire them out!

3. Be prepared for an attention hog

  • If you have gotten to this point in this article, you really love your dog, and chances are you know how many people love your dog as well. Dogs at weddings can steal the show...especially if they are dressed to impressed or have a certain role. While they certainly will add an extra element to your day your guests will surely love, think about if you are okay with this attention being taken away from you.

4.Make sure your vendors are okay with it

While Tahoe is very dog friendly, some places are not. Make sure you check, and double check your venue is okay with you having your dog there as well as your planner and photographer. Having more people involved with your vision and plans for incorporating your fluffy friend will just set you up for further success.


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