How to Have Your Wedding In the Rain

Do you like Pina Coladas...and getting caught in the rain? If you think that rain on your wedding day is a bad thing, we are here to change your mind. Like anywhere, Lake Tahoe can have variable weather. From thunder storms in the summer to random rain storms in the fall, we are here to keep it real with you and tell you there is always a chance of rain for your Lake Tahoe wedding. Instead of dreading it, we recommend preparing and embracing the storm!

The first thing to do is prepare. Seeing as most venues in Tahoe are outside having a backup rain plan is a good idea. Whether it is umbrellas, or a tent your guests will thank you for some sort of protection! Tents in Tahoe not only serve as protection from potential rain but are also great to cut the cold. There are also ways to spice up your umbrella game. Clear umbrellas are great because they don't take away from any of your décor or if you want to fully embrace um

The next thing to do is not let the rain get you down, embrace it. Rain can be absolutely gorgeous. Not only is storm light one of the most striking natural light, but pictures in the rain are fun and hopelessly romantic. Not convinced? View the gallery below for more inspiration!


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