How to Enjoy Your Lake Tahoe Wedding Day

After months (maybe even years) of planning for your Lake Tahoe wedding day, you're probably filled with excitement and jitters in anticipation of the celebration. Knowing how important this day is to you, it is also important to being mindful of the stressors and busy schedule. The key is to slow down ahead of time and really think about what you want out of your wedding day. Generally, brides (and grooms) can be so caught up in the details of the big day that it becomes a challenge to actually be mentally present on the big day.

Through any stress or anxiety you have it is important to remember that this day is a celebration of your love! It is so easy to get swept up in the details but remember to relax and enjoy this day! We guarantee it’s going to fly by in the blink of an eye so here are some tips to help you stay present in the moment and savor your entire day in Lake Tahoe:

  • Beauty sleep is a real thing! Go to bed at a reasonable hour the night before. As much as you will want to stay up toasting and socializing with your family and friends, remember lack of sleep can lead to dark circles, grouchiness, and low-energy. Set a reminder on your phone to go to bed early, dim the lights, read a book, take a bath, put your phone on airplane mode, anything to help you get to bed.

  • Wash your face. Seriously. After your rehearsal dinner, don't let yourself fall asleep with a full face of make-up on. Follow your normal skin care routine to avoid clogged pores and to allow your skin to refreshed.

  • Celebrate and enjoy your rehearsal dinner and welcome drinks without drinking too much or blowing your food plan. Eating your weight in cheese may cause you to feel bloated and less comfortable in your gown. Same goes for alcohol, the last thing you want is to wake up the day of your wedding with a hangover!

  • Eat healthy, filling foods the day of. You likely will not eat much during your actual wedding as you’ll most likely be mingling and socializing. Starting the day off right with a filling healthy breakfast sets you up for success. You can also ask the caterers to set aside a meal to-go for you and your new husband to enjoy later, just in case.

  • Put your phone away. You honestly won’t even have time for it. Be present in the moment and let your photographer capture the moments, that is why you are paying them to be there.

  • Break in your wedding shoes well in advance. We've all been there: cramped toes, blisters, achy feet, the last thing you want to be thinking about during your first dance is your intense foot pain. Pack a pair of ballet flats or dancing wedges just in case.

Schedule more than enough time for every activity from make-up to the ceremony. Don't pack your schedule so tight you can't enjoy the day. By giving yourself a little extra time you’ll be able to take a few moments to relax and actually process what is happening around you. Be comfortable saying no to requests the day of if you feel like it’s too much. And most importantly, make sure you have some one on one time with your new partner, that is the point of this whole day after all. Even if it’s a minute after your ceremony, take the time to acknowledge each other as a partner and as a team. While we know it’s hard, try and savor every moment of the day, it could be one of the best of your life!


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