Get to Know the Wedding Day Traditions

It's a time honored tradition, "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, a sixpence in your shoe," all stemming from an old English rhyme. While many a bride will incorporate these traditions into her ceremony, there's the constant uncertainty as to how to uphold these customs and the significance behind them.

Something Old represents unity. Think about incorporating some of the following options:

  • An heirloom piece of jewelry

  • Your favorite worn-in cowboy boots

  • Go thrifting and look for a fur stole for your shoulders or a lace bolero cover up

  • Wear your mother's gown or sew a piece of her gown into the hemline or inside of your gown

Something New represents hope. For incorporating this into your ceremony- is your hubby to be going to gift you something wearable? Maybe you've spent a year planning your special day, get yourself a gift to celebrate.

  • A diamond pendant necklace

  • A clutch to use during the ceremony

  • Your hairpiece or tiara

Something Borrowed represents borrowed happiness. Just as it is best to give joyfully, borrow from someone who may represent the love you hope to have in your union. Maybe it's your grandmother and maybe you've always eyed her pearls... This is a great occasion to take a turn with them.

  • Coveted family jewelry

  • An antique perfume dispenser

  • A friend's bridal garter

  • Incorporate your groom and have him wear his father's cuff-links

Something Blue represents love and faithfulness. This is a fun one that can allow for great displays of personality.

  • Blue suede, bold shoes

  • Sapphire earrings

  • A blue handkerchief for possible (highly likely) tears

  • The bridal bouquet with blue flowers or blue ribbons wrapped around the stems

Whether or not you will incorporate these age-old traditions in your celebration there is a lot of meaning to take from them. Remember what these sayings represent and hold close to your heart your hope for a prosperous, loving and faithful future with your soon-to-be.


Countryside Farm Bridal Shoot from Gingersnap Photography


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