Get To Know The Ladies Of Salon Bella Vita

A bride's hair on her wedding day is one of the most important aspects of her day. Whether she is dreaming of loose tousled waves or a classic chignon the ladies of Salon Bella Vita hold the keys to making this dream come true. We sat down with Tiana, Nicole, Danielle, and Sarina them to find out more about what inspires them, why they love Tahoe, and how they keep themselves going during wedding season!

What brings you the greatest joy in your life?

Tiana: My two beautiful daughters. Tenaya is 5 and Teagan is 3. They bring so much love, light and joy into our lives and everything I do is for them.

Sarina: Time spent with my man, my friends and my family.

Danielle: Spending time with my husband and dog in our favorite place.

Nicole: My family and friends and of course my job which makes people feel beautiful

What brought you to Tahoe?

Tiana: I was born and raised in Lake Tahoe, and I'm a second generation Tahoe Native. My father was also born and raised in Lake Tahoe. I feel very blessed to have been raised in the most beautiful place on earth.

Sarina: Adventure!

Tahoe lifestyle: winter or summer?

Nicole: Love both but I would say I'm a summer girl! Beach and hiking

Danielle: I am more a lover of the summers in Tahoe but I appreciate the beauty of both.

If you weren't a wedding hair stylist, what would you do?

Tiana: I don't think I would do just one thing, but I would definitely do something (or things) that didn't require me to sit at a desk. I have had many jobs before my career as a hair stylist. I taught water skiing and Pilates, worked as a Physical therapy assistant and got my Real Estate license right out of college.

Nicole: I could see myself doing a job where I take care and help animals.

What is your pre-wedding routine?

Danielle: Definitely pack my kit and make sure I have everything I need. Most importantly doing a bit of research and getting a good night's sleep.

Sarina: Walk the dogs, listen to music and drink my coffee.

What inspires your work?

Nicole: Making people happy and keeping up with the new styles

Tiana: I take inspiration from many different places. Location and environment, as well as ones' personal style play into the work I create. Social media sites (i.e. instagram, Pinterest etc.) are also a great resource to draw inspiration from as long as you look at things from a stylists perspective. Photoshop can sometimes be deceiving and create unrealistic expectations.

Danielle: The best inspiration for me is my coworkers. We all love to research and keep each other informed of stuff we are interested in.

Sarina: Classic looks from the past, modern techniques and natural beauty.

How would you describe the perfect day in Lake Tahoe?

Nicole: Waking up going on a good hike then heading to the beach to paddle board and enjoy the beautiful lake ending with a bbq and some good wine!

Sarina: A strenuous hike or bike with my dogs followed by a beach session with friends, a delicious dinner out and then dancing to a band.

What are you most proud of?

Tiana: The family and life my husband and I have created.

Danielle: My accomplishments in giving back to the industry through education and working as a team.

Who inspires you the most?

Nicole: My family, all in different ways but they all are so motivated and loving

Tiana: My husband and my children. Kyle is the hardest working person I know. He inspires me to follow my dreams and has shown me that anything is possible through hard work and determination. My girls inspire me to stay young at heart. There is no greater joy than experiencing life through the eyes of a child.

Danielle: Having my faith in the Lord inspires me to be a better person in my life and work life.

Sarina: My dad inspires me the most.

What is your life motto?

Tiana: We don't need objects, we need adventures.

Sarina: Love fearlessly, dance wildly, practice gratitude, seek adventure.

What was the most recent thing that made you laugh?

Nicole: I try to surround myself with good people and I love to laugh and have a good time so usually laughing a lot!

Tiana: I live in a house with 2 toddlers, I am constantly laughing. But in all seriousness, I can't repeat the most recent thing that made me laugh ;)

Working in the wedding industry is not for the faint of heart. How do you rest and rejuvenate?

Danielle: Being prepared and getting adequate sleep and food. Having a good attitude helps!

Sarina: Sing, dance, cook and spend a lot of time outdoors.

What is something people might not know about you?

Nicole: I love bowling and I'm pretty good!

Tiana: I think there's probably a lot that people don't know about me, but when I was a sophomore in high school I was the Nevada State Golf Champion.

Danielle: I love independent and foreign films.

Sarina: I was a gogo dancer in South Lake when I was younger and competed in ballroom dancing.

Learn more about the amazing ladies of Salon Bella Vita and their bridal services on their vendor profile page.


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