Get to Know: Elsa Boscarello

Wedding photographer Elsa Boscarello has the distinct ability to capture images that remind you of how it felt. Her photos are modern and romantic, and her style is characterized by a photojournalistic approach and a dash of artistic images. Think National Geographic marries Vogue. But photography is not the only thing Elsa is passionate about. When she is not working her magic behind the lens, she can be found hiking or rock climbing some of Lake Tahoe’s pristine granite. So, scroll on to learn more about her adventurous life in Tahoe and how she can take your wedding to new heights!

What brings you the greatest joy in your life?

So many things bring me joy, like intentional relationships, traveling, time with family, and good food. I also have a thing for heights, and in my free time, I rock climb! I’m drawn to the places it takes me to and the feeling of being high off the ground. Having my body and mind work together and problem-solving with friends is a unique experience that brings me joy.

What brought you to Tahoe?

My parents brought me to Tahoe at a young age, and I love that I grew up in an area with easy access to mountains and adventure.

What is a must-see hidden gem in Lake Tahoe?

During the pandemic, I hiked the Tahoe Rim Trail. I recommend adding this to your Tahoe bucket list!

Describe Lake Tahoe to someone that has never been here.

Tahoe is a freshwater lake with quick access to the mountains. A little hidden gem that will make any of your adventure dreams come true year-round.

Tahoe lifestyle: winter or summer?

Summer! As a rock climber, I’m looking to climb on dry rocks.

If you were not a wedding photographer, what would you do?

I love photography so much that I hope any other job would incorporate it. A national geographic explorer would be a dream job. They bring awareness to interesting stories and impact the way we make decisions. They keep people inspired and educated.

What inspires your work?

My photography style combines a photojournalistic approach and a dash of artistic images. I get a lot of my inspiration from editorial photographers and adventure publications. Currently, I’m drawn to images that don’t tell a complete story but just give a hint of a moment.

What is a fun fact about your company?

I wasn’t the type of photographer born with a camera in hand. My love and passion for photography grew in my 20s and have rolled over into my 30s. When I was dating my now-husband, he asked me what my dream job was. Without hesitation, I said a photographer! That same day, we got a book on photography, and my life changed after that. Photography not only became my career but a core part of my identity. Wedding photography is unique because it’s an explosion of high emotion and high stakes, and I love it for that reason.

What is the career highlight you are most proud of?

Getting published in Junebug Weddings was very exciting!

What is your go-to conversation starter with a potential client?

Tell me about your story…how did you meet. I basically ask for the elevator pitch of their lives. I love to get to know my couples!

How would you describe the perfect day in Lake Tahoe?

A perfect day in Lake Tahoe would involve an early morning climbing sesh, a dip in the lake, and a good drink/meal to end the day.

What are you most proud of?

I’m proud of the balanced and fulfilling life I’ve built. That balance and passion pour into my business, climbing achievements, and relationship with my husband.

Who inspires you the most?

Human emotions and behaviors.

What is your life motto?

Hmm…I don’t have one. I currently like the following two:

*“asi es la vida”

*“time to play” Or I tell myself a version of this before I embark on a challenging climb. It takes the pressure off and reminds me that it’s just a sport.

What was the most recent thing that made you laugh?

My husband! He’s currently doing a career change and starting med school this year. So, he’s spending more time at home, so there’s been a lot of time for play and silliness.

What’s the most useless talent you have?

Rock climbing can be a pretty useless talent.

What is the closest thing to real magic?

Experiencing love.

What was your go-to activity during quarantine?

I hiked the Tahoe Rim Trail and trained for a half-marathon.

What kind of wedding guest are you?

I love being a wedding guest! I’m a pretty average wedding guest. I’m not the loudest in the room, but I love to have a great time. Cocktail hour is my favorite because you get to know other guests. I also love late nights at a wedding.

Any song you can add to our brides’ and grooms’ budding wedding playlist?

I have a playlist of wedding songs that I love to go back to listen to. I usually pick one song played during a couple’s wedding and add it to my playlist. It not only reminds me of them, but I have a fun playlist to listen to after a wedding day. A good cocktail hour song would be Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex. This one reminds me of a wedding I photographed in Cabo. Very chill and great for the pre-reception vibe.

Working in the wedding industry is not for the faint of heart. How do you rest and rejuvenate?

I don’t book every single weekend, and I try to have “slow” days the day before and after a wedding. And I make time for passion projects! Rock climbing is the grand escape. Reaching new heights as the mind and body synchronize. It’s a lot of fun!

What is something people might not know about you?

This is tough because there are many things that I would love to chat about over a good cocktail. But for now, I love vulnerability. and books that explore human behaviors and anything in the social science realm.

Any four-legged friends in your home?

Not yet. We’re shopping around for a bigger house to welcome a pup.

We can't wait for you to check out Elsa Boscarello's profile on our Vendor Guide!

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Photographer Elsa Boscarello


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