Behind the Scenes with Dax Victorino Films

Dax Victorino Films is perhaps the best known name in Lake Tahoe wedding videographers, highly regarded and sought after for the beautiful and enduring love stories they capture on film. But, in this post, we go behind the lens to learn more about this talented and inspiring couple, including some surprising (they were both in bands - what?!) and not so surprising (they're obsessed with their dog - typical Tahoe!) tidbits about what makes their partnership tick.

What brought you to Tahoe?

Dax and his immediate family members migrated from the Philippines, then brought Pao - also from the Philippines - a year after we got married. The sight of the sometimes snow-capped Tahoe mountains and even its trees have never failed to make us feel so fulfilled and blessed.

Tahoe lifestyle: winter or summer?

Oh definitely summer! Tahoe is a go-to for winter sports but the mix of emerald and blues of the waters, the forests during summer...ugh, we're IN LOVE.

If you weren't a wedding filmmaker, what would you do?

Dax: Probably a nurse (haha!) - I went to nursing school! It's a typical Filipino parents' dream for their kids. Not sure why?! I also might still be a freelance corporate videographer.

Pao: My parents were not like that, though (lucky!). If I wasn't a wedding videographer today, I'd probably still be a graphic designer + illustrator.

What is your pre-wedding routine?

Hmm.... The night before a wedding we split up the following duties:

  • Dax: Double-check equipment

  • Pao: Double-check and update my emergency kit for our couple

  • Take our husky on either a long walk or go on a bike ride with him

  • Relax to prep for a long wedding day shoot!

On the morning of a wedding:

  • Breakfast, make bed, shower, get dressed

  • Pao: memorizes names of wedding party and family while putting on makeup

  • During the ride to the wedding: Talk about the couple's story and how we'll do their story justice in the film(s)

  • Pao: prays for the couple's marriage

  • Arrive early to meet the couple, their wedding party, and family members to make them feel comfortable with us around

  • Then we'll be on ninja-stealth shooting mode the rest of the day, unless needed

What inspires your work?

Tahoe + the outdoors! Our brand colors and color grades for our films really reflect that. :) Also, making films that will inspire the couple during the inevitable ups and downs of their married adventures + their future generations.

How would you describe the perfect day in Lake Tahoe?

A perfect day in Lake Tahoe is a day full of inspiring colors + warm weather!

What are you most proud of?

We're most proud of having the ability to help our own families in different parts of the world, because of our business. Also, that we can travel + work whenever and wherever we want :)

Who inspires you the most?

Hmm, who inspires us in a general way, or who inspires our work? OK, a general version: our adopted husky!

What is your life motto?

"We work hard so we can give our husky a better life." OK, seriously...

Dax: "Be so good they can't ignore you." - Steve Martin

Pao: "Slow growth, strong roots." - Justin Marantz

Working in the wedding industry is not for the faint of heart. How do you rest and rejuvenate?

If we worked during the weekend, we do our best to take a Monday off either hiking or traveling with our dog, or just plain hibernate + chill inside our little home. Dax also plays basketball to reset; Pao indulges in lovely alone time (where are my fellow introverts at?!).

What is something people might not know about you?

That we were both in bands (although not in a same one) in the Philippines. Dax used to play the keyboards and drums for his cover band; Pao used to be a lead vocalist for her rock band. Please don't ask us to play again though! *cringes*

Pets: Any four-legged friends in your home

Yes - our dog! The perfect blend of the majestic-ness and derp-ness of a Siberian husky.

Our Tahoe Unveiled team loves Dax and Pao, not just for their beautiful work and exceptional client experience, but also the playfulness and dedication they bring to everything they do. Visit Dax Victorino Films and their Tahoe Unveiled vendor guide listing to learn more about them and view their portfolio.


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