Behind The Lens With Photographer Corey Fox 

Corey Fox has a gift behind the lens. His photography captures the true essence of a bride and groom on their wedding day. He is able to create beauty in anything he photographs and we are lucky enough to know Corey as a Tahoe Unveiled member. His skill and personality make him a catch on the wedding scene. We asked Corey to share with us a little more about his life behind the camera.

What brings you the greatest joy in your life?

Connection is the word that speaks to me most when I think of my greatest joy. Be it connection with another human, connection to source, connection to Mother Nature, and most important connection to self. I will say that one of my greatest joy moments is when I am with myself, camera in hand, the ocean is in front of me, and the sun is setting. This is the moment I feel most connected to everything.

What brought you to Tahoe?

I was born and raised in Carson City, so Lake Tahoe was always a quick drive up the mountain. After college, I did a lot of traveling and moved around a lot. In 2011, I decided to start my photography career and Lake Tahoe seemed like the perfect match for the style of photography I wanted to capture.

Tahoe lifestyle: winter or summer?

Definitely Lake Tahoe summers. I love to visit winter in Lake Tahoe, but chances are more likely that you'll find me at the ocean when Lake Tahoe is experiencing winter.

If you weren't a wedding photographer, what would you do?

Well, I already have plans for a career in the world of wellness. My future dreams are to work with elite athletes that suffer from anxiety, addiction, and depression. My greatest desire is to teach these extraordinary beings to connect with themselves and guide them to balance in a purely holistic way.

How would you describe the perfect day in Lake Tahoe?

Literally, every day in Lake Tahoe is the perfect day! I've traveled a lot in my life. I grew up twenty minutes away from the Lake. I see the lake and sit by the lake and view it from afar almost daily, and it still takes my breath away every single time I see it!

What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my growth as a human. I've created success for myself in many different facets of life. The day that I realized that joy and inner peace are created from within was one of the greatest I've had to date. I have had many dark days and dark periods of life mixed in between all of some very grand successes. I have reached a place in life where life can still be chaotic, but there is always an inner peace guiding me through. This constant inner peace is what I am most proud of.

Who inspires you the most?

I'm not sure I could pick one most inspiring human. I can say that those that I see who are doing the dirty work and facing their shadow selves are the ones I find most inspiring. I believe they are the once's who are most intent in discovering their greatest abilities and their greatest purpose on this journey.

What is your life motto?

I suppose I would say, just be better than yesterday, and accept where you are today!!!

What was the most recent thing that made you laugh?

Oh man... it was probably a video of a puppy or a baby that popped up on my Facebook feed!!!

What inspires your work?

I love humans and I love showing them their greatest potential. I am inspired by the fact that I have the ability to show humans themselves in a way they could never imagine. I get to show them the way that I see them through my lens. This is a gift and a superpower as far as I am concerned. We oftentimes are so hard on ourselves and see ourselves through much more harsh eyes than we see others. I love that I get to show people the way that I see them. This is what inspires my work.

Working in the wedding industry is not for the faint of heart. How do you rest and rejuvenate?

I do my best to take time every day to find presence. I love yoga, I love hiking, I love being in nature, and I love to meditate. I always make time every day to sit with myself and observe the world.

What is something people might not know about you?

I was once a national team gymnast, turned national team diver, attended the 2000 Olympic trials, and then became a Cirque Du Soleil acrobat.

Pets: Any four-legged friends in your home?

Truman and Libby are my babies. They are both yellow French bulldogs and they are the absolute coolest!!!

We think the fact that Corey was a Cirque Du Soleil acrobat is the coolest thing ever!! If you want to learn more about Corey, which we are certain you do make sure you visit his vendor profile and be sure to follow his stunning work on Instagram.


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